Thursday 3 April 2014

Actual Finals

Edited everything or whatever based on feedback.

Made them look rather hand drawn and cartoonish since it's a collection of people's (and mine) books, we are creation the library book by book also making it feel fantasy like with the cartoonish effect.
My sketch is of a book (The Hobbit, obviously) because my entire design is centered around it, made to appear like a hobbit hole (Bag End, Bilbo's house) with the round green door and the darker wood outside. My colour scheme was derived from that book also with the darker earthy colours. It will be artificially lit (good to read in but not too bright) as I want it to feel like a hobbit hole, tucked away from the world. Mixing real life with fantasy I guess.


Sketch Up walk through

 Technolgy hates me so again it's a sketchup video. 
Also there's a giant pause at the end whoops.

Walk through video

So basically for some reason my model will not export into CryEngine although everything else I have created does.. and when I tried to re create it on sketchup it kept crashing, which is very typical and would happen to me. So I recorded it on my computer using sketchup. Enjoy, or don't, I won't tell you how to live your life. Also for some reason once I uploaded the video it began to pause between transitions so I added some music to make it more bearable.

Week 6 drawings and Final drafts.




CryEngine screenshots

So basically my model wouldn't go in to CRYENGINE so I died a little on the inside, freaked out and then made a few shapes and played around with the time of day.

Cryengine hates my model and my model is sad about that.






Wednesday 2 April 2014

My 30 second video

 so basically CRYENGINE kept crashing on me so I couldn't export my model into it and what not so I videoed it in sketch up for now sort of.